Your Testimonials
I am satisfied with teas and elixirs as well.
Having a cough I drank Tulsi, I used to have severe coughs for long time and allopathic remedies did not help me. The tea improved my breathing immediately, I could sleep at night and in 14 days cough was gone.
Hello, I`ve been drinking Apana tea, which helped me immensely with my painful menstruation. I threw away my pills, pain disappeared. Thanks!
Hello, I tried tea for restoring life energy Prana. The effect is wonderful. My daughter when seeing my good mood started to drink it with juice. My husband also started to drink it and from a grouch he became a talking and smiling man :-))
Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.
Hello, my lymph node on arms, legs and spine were swollen – unbearable pain, it lasted for two month. After drinking Katphala tea the pain reduced and my nodes got smaller. Fantastic effect. Thanks.
I drink APANA tea and after years of irregular menstruation my cycle eventually settled down. Amazing.
Hello, I have been using Apana already for three months, always two days before the menstrual cycle and I do not have to use any pills for pain relief. Common herbal teas were not working. Thank you very much.
Your teas are excellent and work amazingly well!
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it. Thanks