Ambuprash is a purifying herbal jam that optimises the functioning of the water metabolism and pancreas, while on a diabetic diet. The increase of blood cholesterol and sugar level is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive food intake rich in fat, improper sugar metabolism and disorder of the water assimilation in the pancreas. This leads to disturbed production of insulin, diabetes, obesity, arteriosclerosis, tissue oedema and kidney dysfunction, dehydration of the body, burning thirst, frequent urination, yeast infections and debility.
Recommended Dosage
1 teaspoon (5g/teaspoon) 2 – 3x daily seperately or with a cup of lukewarm milk or water. To prepare a drink, mix 1 teaspoon (5g) in 8 fl oz (250 ml) of warm water.
Dietary supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Do not use as a substitute for a balanced diet. Store in a dry place under 25°C. Not convenient for children, pregnant and nursing women.
Hello, I have very good experiences with effects and quality of your teas, especially with ASHWAGANDA.
Chyawanprash helped me to get rid of constipation which I had been suffering from for 14 years! Already after three days I started to eliminate once a day. Now after two months my digestion is absolutely all right. My weight also reduced by 3 kg and the atopic eczema vanishes!
Good morning, I would like to confirm, that I am satisfied with your products very much as they have always helped me.
I have tried Nimba tea for skin problems and I swear by it, I am going to try other teas as well!
For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended Guduchi tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.
The teas are great. I use them for urinary disorders. No need for antibiotics. Thank you.
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it.
Hello. I am very happy with your teas. I have tried several of them and all of them were super. Thanks
The tea works! My daddy had 8,5 - 12 index. After one month use, index went to 7. I recommend it!