Your Testimonials
I want to thank you for adding Chyawanprash to your offer. This elixir is fantastic. I got him once in India, but could not find him later here. Now I am very happy to buy it in Slovakia as well.
Good morning, I started to prepare Sarpagandha tea for high blood pressure for my husband. He uses pills and his bl.pressure kept increasing. After one week of tea use, the pressure reduced to 125. Thank you for importing the teas.
The Arjuna tea has been a saviour and I no longer have the symptoms associated with irregular heart rhythm. It is truly an amazing product.
The Tulsi tea was very helpful during cold, after two days of drinking the tea, the sore throat dissapeared. Its taste is great and has an amazing warming effect. I recommend to have enough of it in the winter time!
I am a medical doctor in Prague, Czech Republic. I work at a university hospital. Thanks to Everest Ayurveda company I had the opportunity to see or to hear of almost miraculous effects that your herb mixtures may have in some cases.
Hello, I regularly buy teas from your offer (Kudzu, Brahmi) and I am very satisfied with them. Regards
Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.
I have been drinking Karavi for two weeks already, I feel better, it helps.
Good morning, I drink Alochaka, I work on computer daily and underwent a surgery. I bought it in one shop and since that time I have been buying it regularly and using it to my full satisfaction.
I came by your products via my friend. She is recovering from her neck of the womb surgery and I can see that the tea she is using is doing good to her. I wanted to try it so I am drinking the stomach tea. I only started and I feel better.