Your Testimonials
Hello, I had a big problem with my sleep. I started drinking the ASHWAGANDA tea and now I sleep like a little baby, thanks.
Hello, I have been using your tea for a long time and I think they really help me with all possible troubles :) Thank you and I wish you a nice day.
Hello, I am very happy with your teas, Vidanga helped me lose weight, after drinking Kalamegha my gall bladder troubles are almost gone. Now I am considering Pachaka, I quit smoking! Thanks
I am very happy with the tea. I could discontinue the use of pills for calming my nerves and I feel more contented and relaxed. I am gonna keep buying it and I recommend it to all.
Hello, I have tried already 4 teas altogether:NIMBA, ABHAYA, BHRINGARAJ and KANTAKARI and all had favourable effects, so I recommend them. I also thank the producers and importers of the teas!
I am satisfied with teas and elixirs as well.
I commend you for your holistic products and your newly created website which you have so nicely put together. Your products appear to be quite sound, healthy and most certainly beneficial, as I have used some of them in the past myself. I feel that it is always a great and honourable thing to see my fellow humans, trying their utmost to serve their brothers and sisters, with the very best products, in order to enhance or benefit health. My gratitude to you for creating such a high standard of excellence here and I look forward to visiting again soon.
Hello, I regularly buy teas from your offer (Kudzu, Brahmi) and I am very satisfied with them. Regards
I have been buying your teas for many years, they help me in my serious illness. They are fantastic and I am delighted to visit your online shop where I can choose from all assortment at one place and do not have to go to different stores.
For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended Guduchi tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.