Your Testimonials
Your teas are excellent and work amazingly well!
I came by your products via my friend. She is recovering from her neck of the womb surgery and I can see that the tea she is using is doing good to her. I wanted to try it so I am drinking the stomach tea. I only started and I feel better.
Hello, I bought your Ranjaka tea and it is doing me good (for fatigue and irritation). Thanks
The tea works! My daddy had 8,5 - 12 index. After one month use, index went to 7. I recommend it!
Hi, from childhood I suffered from allergy to everything that is sour - rash on palms. For 14 days I was drinking Gauri daily and after I ate an orange, nothing happened. My mumm cured her mildew on legs. It is great!
Before I tried Everest Ayurveda teas, there had not been a tea that would have helped me. Your teas represent part and parcel of my home first-aid kit and I keep myself fascinated by the effects. I cannot be without Udana after work.
I bought Kodama – Samurai secret incense sticks in your teashop and I must say it was the most fantastic fragrance I have ever smelt in my life.
I have an experience with tea for strong menstrual pain and it helped me a lot. I do not have to use any pills, only 2 or 3 times a day I drink this tea, I feel much better. Thank you very much.
Apana tea gives relief from pain, after two cups there is no need to use pills. Also Medhika for nursing was really helpful when I had little milk.
I suffered from rental colic. Antibiotics did not work. Only after regular use of Varuna and diet adjustment, my problems disappeared. It helped also my partner who had an urinary tract inflammation. I thank you on behalf of us two!!