Your Testimonials
Hello, my spine really bothers me, severe pain. A month of infusion and pills with no positive results. Now I am using GOKSHURA and I still have not taken single pill. THANK YOU for each day that does not hurt. Regards
I suffered from a stomach disorder accompanied by diarrhea and stomach cramps for a few days. However I ate one package of Amalaki fruit. It managed to stop my diarrhea and rid me of the stomach pain. Excellent, I recommend it!
Hello, I tried tea for restoring life energy Prana. The effect is wonderful. My daughter when seeing my good mood started to drink it with juice. My husband also started to drink it and from a grouch he became a talking and smiling man :-))
Apana tea gives relief from pain, after two cups there is no need to use pills. Also Medhika for nursing was really helpful when I had little milk.
I bought a tea for sleep and it is really great. It really works….chrrrrr… :))
Having a cough I drank Tulsi, I used to have severe coughs for long time and allopathic remedies did not help me. The tea improved my breathing immediately, I could sleep at night and in 14 days cough was gone.
Hello. I would never believe that Gokshura tea can sort out my health problems with cervical spine. I am so happy I don`t have any more problems and keep drinking Gokshura. I strongly recommend it to all.
I have been buying Pitta tea for years. It has helped me a lot. Many times. I buy other teas for my family and recommend them to many people. I dislike chemical pills, so thank you for these teas.
I want to join this positive reactions to your teas. One year ago daughter and I fell sick with urinary tract inflammation. Then I remembered your herbal teas, so I bought your tea for cleansing the urinary tract and I immediately felt relief.
Hello, I have been buying your teas for a long time and I deal with a very nice and capable sales representative. She tries to provide me with lot of information, unlike other companies.