Your Testimonials
Whole month through I was honestly using Abhaya for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. thanks a lot.
Good morning, I thank you for your teas which are very beneficial and effective. I often recommend them to my patients and use them myself.
Being an allergic, I have been using several modern medicines with very little results. After a regular using Dalchini tea my allergy was gone after a month, no sneezing, eyes itchiness etc.
Good morning, I started to prepare Sarpagandha tea for high blood pressure for my husband. He uses pills and his bl.pressure kept increasing. After one week of tea use, the pressure reduced to 125. Thank you for importing the teas.
Hello, a month ago I brought VIDANGA- Slim tea from my vacation and I am very happy with it. After a few weeks I lost 3 kilograms.
After tasting your Chywanprash I must say that it is absolutely unique. It is very tasteful, has a strong herbal effect on physical and mental health. It rejuvenates the body and gives energy. It is great! Thank you.
I suffered from a stomach disorder accompanied by diarrhea and stomach cramps for a few days. However I ate one package of Amalaki fruit. It managed to stop my diarrhea and rid me of the stomach pain. Excellent, I recommend it!
Chyawanprash helped me to get rid of constipation which I had been suffering from for 14 years! Already after three days I started to eliminate once a day. Now after two months my digestion is absolutely all right. My weight also reduced by 3 kg and the atopic eczema vanishes!
Having a cough I drank Tulsi, I used to have severe coughs for long time and allopathic remedies did not help me. The tea improved my breathing immediately, I could sleep at night and in 14 days cough was gone.
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it. Thanks