Your Testimonials
Hi, Shunthi tea sorted out my several years long persistent flatulence problems. Nothing else was really helping me, only this tea!
Hello, I have been buying your teas for a long time and I deal with a very nice and capable sales representative. She tries to provide me with lot of information, unlike other companies.
Hello, I bought ayurvedic tea Nimba and have been using it for one month now and the complexion improved excellently. The acne also disappeared. This tea is having "A" from me!
I am very excited about the teas. After Ashwagandha tea I sleep like a baby. When being attacked by a viruses, after Katphala drinking, fever reduced, sore throat disspeared and energy level increased with no use of pills!
Hello. I started drinking your teas a month ago and I feel a change. I am not as nervous as I was before and I sweat less too. I drink your teas as part of my water intake, two types of tea a day, 4-5 cups.
I suffered from rental colic. Antibiotics did not work. Only after regular use of Varuna and diet adjustment, my problems disappeared. It helped also my partner who had an urinary tract inflammation. I thank you on behalf of us two!!
A year ago my blood pressure got high. My English and Slovak pills made my blood pressure unstable. After one week drinking this tea I put my pills away. I am O.K. Thank you all!
For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended Guduchi tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.
Whole month through I was honestly using Abhaya for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. thanks a lot.
Hello, I discovered your amazing teas. I did the dosha test and it came out that I am pitta type and so I bought your Pitta tea ..thank you.