Your Testimonials
Hello, I have tried your weight reduction tea and it really helps, thank you. Regards
Since I came to Salzburg from Spain I have found at the Vegan Restaurant, in the Franz Joseph Straße 3, the Ayurvedic Tees. I drink usually and regularly Tulsi and so many others tees that have made so good for me and my health at my 60. I consider to be the best to drink every day to be healthy. I invite to try and feel how it fits to body.
Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.
I bought Kodama – Samurai secret incense sticks in your teashop and I must say it was the most fantastic fragrance I have ever smelt in my life.
Hello, I have been using Apana already for three months, always two days before the menstrual cycle and I do not have to use any pills for pain relief. Common herbal teas were not working. Thank you very much.
A year ago my blood pressure got high. My English and Slovak pills made my blood pressure unstable. After one week drinking this tea I put my pills away. I am O.K. Thank you all!
Hello, I have been using your tea for a long time and I think they really help me with all possible troubles :) Thank you and I wish you a nice day.
I drink Ashwagandha tea twice a day. It is amazing, no pills for sleep, only herbs and I must say I do not like herbal teas, but this one is not bad, I like it and it tastes good. I recommend it.
Hello, I have very good experiences with effects and quality of your teas, especially with ASHWAGANDA.
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it. Thanks