Your Testimonials
Whole month through I was honestly using Abhaya for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. thanks a lot.
I have been buying Pitta tea for years. It has helped me a lot. Many times. I buy other teas for my family and recommend them to many people. I dislike chemical pills, so thank you for these teas.
I want to share my experience with Slesaka tea for joints. I worked in Norway on mountains and was carrying food, sometimes 50kg. My joints were aching. I drank 2-3 cups a day, the pain was gone. I have been drinking it now for 7 years.
Having a cough I drank Tulsi, I used to have severe coughs for long time and allopathic remedies did not help me. The tea improved my breathing immediately, I could sleep at night and in 14 days cough was gone.
I have been using teas for some time. They are effective for good sleep, calming down, concentration and harmonization,they cleanse blood and remove hemorrhoids. He who came up with this blends must have been a genius.
I have tried many alternative herbal remedies, but only your teas are really working. I feel physically and mentally better :)
Good morning, I thank you for your teas which are very beneficial and effective. I often recommend them to my patients and use them myself.
The tea worked.
VIDANGA helped me not only to lose weight, it cleansed my body and helped me look sound and beautiful. I have already tried ASHWAGANDHA, KANTAKARI, SHATAWARI and I can say it works. I am 48 years old and I feel better than before.
I really got to like your Himalayan ayurvedic teas, because they really work. Above all, Tulsi is amazing, but I feel positive results even with your eye tea – Alochaka. Recently, I had some teeth problems so I got Kantakari. Thank you!