Your Testimonials
I came by your products via my friend. She is recovering from her neck of the womb surgery and I can see that the tea she is using is doing good to her. I wanted to try it so I am drinking the stomach tea. I only started and I feel better.
Hello, my lymph node on arms, legs and spine were swollen – unbearable pain, it lasted for two month. After drinking Katphala tea the pain reduced and my nodes got smaller. Fantastic effect. Thanks.
I have tried Apana for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!
I started using the Brahmi tea after I stopped the anti seizure medication (as it made me unable to study) The Brahmi tea helped calm the pinching that would happen where my calcified lesion is in my brain. I’m currently writing my thesis and will be done end of July.
Dear sir or madam, while travelling your beautiful country a few weeks ago I bought some of the above mentioned tea and it seems to have a very favourable affect on blood/glucose levels. Thank you.
I am very excited about the teas. After Ashwagandha tea I sleep like a baby. When being attacked by a viruses, after Katphala drinking, fever reduced, sore throat disspeared and energy level increased with no use of pills!
Hello, I bought ayurvedic tea Nimba and have been using it for one month now and the complexion improved excellently. The acne also disappeared. This tea is having "A" from me!
A year ago my blood pressure got high. My English and Slovak pills made my blood pressure unstable. After one week drinking this tea I put my pills away. I am O.K. Thank you all!
Hello, I am 25 years old and as a regular blood donator, I was often told by the blood transfusion centre, that I do not have a good blood. Since the time I use your teas they have not complained to me anymore. Thank you very much.
Hello, I am very happy with your teas, Vidanga helped me lose weight, after drinking Kalamegha my gall bladder troubles are almost gone. Now I am considering Pachaka, I quit smoking! Thanks