KALAMEGHA effectively supports the detoxification and purification of the liver
RAKTAPRASH enhances the metabolic functions of the liver and the quality of blood
Food Supplements
This Ayurvedic purifying treatment is suitable for the overall body detoxification, recovery of the liver and improvement of blood quality. The liver disorders are caused by drinking alcohol, use of drugs and chemical pills, smoking, stress, negative emotions, poor hygiene and blood toxicity, increased pitta dosha and excessive bile formation, inappropriate diet in the form of salty, pungent, sour or fried foods, increased blood toxicity, insufficient nutrition or improper diet, excessive consumption of animal fats and obesity. Use for a period of 1 to 3 months along with dietary regime.
Ayurvedic tea: let one teaspoon of herbal blend (cca 2g) simmer for 3–5 minutes or pour 250 ml of boiling water and allow 10 minutes infusion.
Ayurvedic elixir: use 1 teaspoon (5g/teaspoon) 2–3x daily separately or with a cup of lukewarm milk or water. To prepare a delicious drink, mix 1 teaspoon (5g) in 8 fl oz (250 ml) of warm water.
Recommended Dosage
Recommended dosage of the Ayurvedic tea: 2–3 cups a day
Recommended dosage of the Ayurvedic elixir: 1 teaspoon ( 5g) 2 – 3 a day
Use in the morning on an empty stomach, during the day 1 hour before meal and at night before sleep.
How to use Ayurvedic teas
To serve as a remedy to enhance physical and mental functions, the Himalayan herbs are traditionally boiled for 3 - 5 minutes. Such decoction has a stronger effect, milder taste and positive influence upon our digestion, that enables proper assimilation of health-promoting extracts of the Himalayan herbs. The teas are drunk as a part of daily drinking regime for the period of duration of health disorders. When undertaking herbal therapy, the tea can be used for a period of 1 to 3 months in accordance with a daily dosage indicated on the particular label. Allow one-week pause after finishing each tea box.
We recommend using a maximum of two kinds of teas at the same time. For reducing symptoms of common ailments, more of the teas can be switched in daily or weekly periods. Such being the case, teas are drunk separately with one-hour interval. When drinking as a preventive, stimulating or supportive remedy, herb infusion is sufficient with unlimited period of use. For stronger health effectivity, teas are used warm before meal. The specific taste of each tea is a part of its therapeutic effect and corresponds to the Ayurvedic properties of six tastes. Thus, any kind of sweetener is not recommended.
How to use Ayurvedic elixirs
Ayurvedic herbal elixirs enhance nutrition of the bodily tissues (dhatus) and purification of bodily systems (srotamsi). They are part of the rejuvenating and revitalising therapy for body and mind (rasajana). Traditionally they are used with a cup of warm milk or water, commonly used in the Ayurvedic medicine as a medium or environment (anupama) for preparation, use, direction and better assimilation of the health effects of the herbal supplements. Other mediums that increase therapeutic functioning of herbs (vehikula) include honey, cane or raw syrup, clarified butter (ghee) or oil.
We recommend using maximum of two herbal elixirs at the same time. More elixirs can be switched in a day or week period incase we use them for normalising common symptoms of distorted balance of body or mind. For their optimal effect use only one elixir at a time before meal allowing one-hour time gap. For more complex therapy for body and mind restoration, elixirs should be used for a longer period of the Ayurvedic treatments from 1 to 3 months following dosage indicated on the label. Specific taste of each elixir represents part of its therapeutic functioning and corresponds to the Ayurvedic properties of six tastes.
For its sattvic properties, the Ayurvedic medicinal system recognises lukewarm or boiled milk as a common ingredient of health recipes. It decreases the heat of Pitta dosha and calms down turbulent emotions. It is also a substantial nourishment and a healthy tonic for people with predominant Vata dosha. The milk enhances formation of life-force ojas which is the essence of the healthy immune system connected with efficient presence of Kapha dosha. People with sensitive digestion or slow metabolism can suffer from digestive disorders after milk consumption. Being such case, put a little of ginger, clove, cardamom, cinnamon or nutmeg into the milk for improvement of the digestive fire. Organic milk is always preferable.
Dietary supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Do not use as a substitute for a balanced diet. Store in a dry place under 25°C. Not convenient for children, pregnant and nursing women.
Hello, I discovered your amazing teas. I did the dosha test and it came out that I am pitta type and so I bought your Pitta tea ..thank you.
I drink APANA tea and after years of irregular menstruation my cycle eventually settled down. Amazing.
After tasting your Chywanprash I must say that it is absolutely unique. It is very tasteful, has a strong herbal effect on physical and mental health. It rejuvenates the body and gives energy. It is great! Thank you.
Hello. I started drinking your teas a month ago and I feel a change. I am not as nervous as I was before and I sweat less too. I drink your teas as part of my water intake, two types of tea a day, 4-5 cups.
Having a cough I drank Tulsi, I used to have severe coughs for long time and allopathic remedies did not help me. The tea improved my breathing immediately, I could sleep at night and in 14 days cough was gone.
I bought a tea for sleep and it is really great. It really works….chrrrrr… :))
Hello, about one year ago I damaged my arm by overstraining sinews, which resulted in swelling, fingers immobility, sinews and joint tissues inflammation. After using Slesaka tea for a few days the finger swelling was gone!!!
Hello, I have very good experiences with effects and quality of your teas, especially with ASHWAGANDA.
I commend you for your holistic products and your newly created website which you have so nicely put together. Your products appear to be quite sound, healthy and most certainly beneficial, as I have used some of them in the past myself.
I feel that it is always a great and honourable thing to see my fellow humans, trying their utmost to serve their brothers and sisters, with the very best products, in order to enhance or benefit health. My gratitude to you for creating such a high standard of excellence here and I look forward to visiting again soon.
At the end of 2009 I drank Sarphaganda tea because my blood pressure was quite unstable. After two month my blood pressure got back to normal and it stays within good numbers.