Your Testimonials
Having a cough I drank Tulsi, I used to have severe coughs for long time and allopathic remedies did not help me. The tea improved my breathing immediately, I could sleep at night and in 14 days cough was gone.
I have been using teas for some time. They are effective for good sleep, calming down, concentration and harmonization,they cleanse blood and remove hemorrhoids. He who came up with this blends must have been a genius.
The tea works! My daddy had 8,5 - 12 index. After one month use, index went to 7. I recommend it!
Hello, I like drinking your teas as well and they help me with everything. Skin, fatigue, energy supply. Thank you
Good morning, I drink Alochaka, I work on computer daily and underwent a surgery. I bought it in one shop and since that time I have been buying it regularly and using it to my full satisfaction.
Your teas are excellent and work amazingly well!
I have been drinking Karavi for two weeks already, I feel better, it helps.
I bought a tea for sleep and it is really great. It really works….chrrrrr… :))
Hello, about one year ago I damaged my arm by overstraining sinews, which resulted in swelling, fingers immobility, sinews and joint tissues inflammation. After using Slesaka tea for a few days the finger swelling was gone!!!
I have tried Nimba tea for skin problems and I swear by it, I am going to try other teas as well!