Your Testimonials
I have been using teas for some time. They are effective for good sleep, calming down, concentration and harmonization,they cleanse blood and remove hemorrhoids. He who came up with this blends must have been a genius.
I bought a tea for sleep and it is really great. It really works….chrrrrr… :))
Good morning, I thank you for your teas which are very beneficial and effective. I often recommend them to my patients and use them myself.
I use Nimba tea for skin. I had a skin disorders and nothing helped. After two or three months of drinking this tea, my complexion looks much better.
I have tried Apana for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!
For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended Guduchi tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.
I want to join this positive reactions to your teas. One year ago daughter and I fell sick with urinary tract inflammation. Then I remembered your herbal teas, so I bought your tea for cleansing the urinary tract and I immediately felt relief.
Hello, I regularly buy teas from your offer (Kudzu, Brahmi) and I am very satisfied with them. Regards
Hello, I discovered your amazing teas. I did the dosha test and it came out that I am pitta type and so I bought your Pitta tea ..thank you.
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it. Thanks