I commend you for your holistic products and your newly created website which you have so nicely put together. Your products appear to be quite sound, healthy and most certainly beneficial, as I have used some of them in the past myself.
I feel that it is always a great and honourable thing to see my fellow humans, trying their utmost to serve their brothers and sisters, with the very best products, in order to enhance or benefit health. My gratitude to you for creating such a high standard of excellence here and I look forward to visiting again soon.
Hello, ASWAGANDHA tea really helped me with my sleep problems. I can hardly remember such a long and uninterrupted sleep. Thanks.
Thanks to Medhika tea, my lactation increased by 50 %. Nothing helped me before as this tea.
I drink Ashwagandha tea twice a day. It is amazing, no pills for sleep, only herbs and I must say I do not like herbal teas, but this one is not bad, I like it and it tastes good. I recommend it.
Dalchini tea helped me through the first days of spring pollen seasson. After one week of drinking the tea, three times a day, I was able to walk my dog and run with him through a meadow in bloom!
I started using the Brahmi tea after I stopped the anti seizure medication (as it made me unable to study) The Brahmi tea helped calm the pinching that would happen where my calcified lesion is in my brain. I’m currently writing my thesis and will be done end of July.
Good morning. I bought your Nimba tea for acne, which got much worse because of stress. After two month of drinking this herb blend I completely got rid of the acne on my face. In addition, my menstruation pain reduced.
I have been buying Pitta tea for years. It has helped me a lot. Many times. I buy other teas for my family and recommend them to many people. I dislike chemical pills, so thank you for these teas.
I am very excited about the teas. After Ashwagandha tea I sleep like a baby. When being attacked by a viruses, after Katphala drinking, fever reduced, sore throat disspeared and energy level increased with no use of pills!