Your Testimonials
Hello, I have been using your tea for a long time and I think they really help me with all possible troubles :) Thank you and I wish you a nice day.
Hello. I started drinking your teas a month ago and I feel a change. I am not as nervous as I was before and I sweat less too. I drink your teas as part of my water intake, two types of tea a day, 4-5 cups.
Hello. I would never believe that Gokshura tea can sort out my health problems with cervical spine. I am so happy I don`t have any more problems and keep drinking Gokshura. I strongly recommend it to all.
I am very happy with the tea. I could discontinue the use of pills for calming my nerves and I feel more contented and relaxed. I am gonna keep buying it and I recommend it to all.
Hi, I use Arjuna tea for heart activity for two months. I have an arrhythmia and the tea helped me. I do not feel irregular palpitation and I am feeling well.
Whole month through I was honestly using Abhaya for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. thanks a lot.
Hello, my lymph node on arms, legs and spine were swollen – unbearable pain, it lasted for two month. After drinking Katphala tea the pain reduced and my nodes got smaller. Fantastic effect. Thanks.
I have been using teas for some time. They are effective for good sleep, calming down, concentration and harmonization,they cleanse blood and remove hemorrhoids. He who came up with this blends must have been a genius.
I bought Kodama – Samurai secret incense sticks in your teashop and I must say it was the most fantastic fragrance I have ever smelt in my life.
Hello, my spine really bothers me, severe pain. A month of infusion and pills with no positive results. Now I am using GOKSHURA and I still have not taken single pill. THANK YOU for each day that does not hurt. Regards