Hello. I would never believe that Gokshura tea can sort out my health problems with cervical spine. I am so happy I don`t have any more problems and keep drinking Gokshura.
I strongly recommend it to all.
I know your products. I have just bought your cold tea and high blood pressure tea. They taste great and I want to keep using and buying them. It is really pure nature.
Hello, I tried tea for restoring life energy Prana. The effect is wonderful. My daughter when seeing my good mood started to drink it with juice. My husband also started to drink it and from a grouch he became a talking and smiling man :-))
Hi, from childhood I suffered from allergy to everything that is sour - rash on palms. For 14 days I was drinking Gauri daily and after I ate an orange, nothing happened. My mumm cured her mildew on legs. It is great!
The Tulsi tea was very helpful during cold, after two days of drinking the tea, the sore throat dissapeared. Its taste is great and has an amazing warming effect. I recommend to have enough of it in the winter time!
Hi, I use Arjuna tea for heart activity for two months. I have an arrhythmia and the tea helped me. I do not feel irregular palpitation and I am feeling well.
Chyawanprash helped me to get rid of constipation which I had been suffering from for 14 years! Already after three days I started to eliminate once a day. Now after two months my digestion is absolutely all right. My weight also reduced by 3 kg and the atopic eczema vanishes!
I use Nimba tea for skin. I had a skin disorders and nothing helped. After two or three months of drinking this tea, my complexion looks much better.
I am very happy with the tea. I could discontinue the use of pills for calming my nerves and I feel more contented and relaxed. I am gonna keep buying it and I recommend it to all.
I have an experience with tea for strong menstrual pain and it helped me a lot. I do not have to use any pills, only 2 or 3 times a day I drink this tea, I feel much better. Thank you very much.