Ayurveda views allergy as a health consequence of a number of phenomena associated with pollution and emaciation of the body, improper lifestyle, weakened immune system and also suppressed emotions. It follows that with the help of suitable herbs and cleansing treatments, this health disorder can be successfully eliminated.
Pollen & food allergies
The pollen allergy season lasts from spring to early autumn, while allergies to various types of food, which are manifested by irritation of the colonic mucosa or irritable bowel syndrome, are a year-round affair. The most frequent is intolerance to gluten in cereals and lactose in dairy products. Food allergies are most often manifested by skin eczemas or hives and often act in combination with pollen allergies.
Each person is born with a unique ratio of the three basic biological energies (dosha) - vata, pitta and kapha, which predetermines our psychosomatic inclinations and tendencies. For example, a person with a predominance of pitta dosha will naturally be sensitive to spicy foods, while a person with a higher proportion of kapha dosha will be sensitive to kappa-enhancing foods, such as dairy products.
What is the real cause of allergies?
An allergic reaction often occurs when the body is weakened by an excessive amount of mucus (usually after winter) or by contamination of the intestinal tract. Waste substances are insufficiently excreted and gradually cause blood toxicity, which in itself can cause a number of skin problems. The overall pollution and circulation of toxins through the bloodstream significantly weakens the element of fire agni, which is in charge of the overall metabolism - digestion, transformation and absorption of substances and perceptions in the body. Its strength or weakening has a direct effect on the immune system. Strong agni maintains immunity and is the key to healthy and long life. When the degree of agni is low, the body can trigger unnatural immune reactions, which manifest themselves as allergies to various substances such as dust, pollen, some foods, etc.
The reason why medications cannot always cure allergies is that, in fact, allergies are also caused by emotional factors. Suppressed emotions such as anger or fear and anxiety have a real impact on the microflora of internal organs, especially the intestines, gallbladder or liver, which in turn affect the agni that resides in these places. In addition, emotions that are insufficiently processed increase the vata dosha, which further weakens the element of fire in the body, which in turn affects the immune system and its reactions.
Ayurvedic Cleansing Treatment for Allergies
Along with a cleansing herbal treatment that can be done easily under normal daily workload and regimen (see instructions below), we also recommend following some points from home shamanic detoxification therapy such as yoga and breathing exercises, sports activities and, if possible, staying in the sun and fresh air that harmonize psychosomatic balance.
Detoxification from Allergens
We recommend this Ayurvedic cleansing treatment for pollen and food allergies, which are caused by stomach congestion, weakened immunity, unhealthy diet, impaired nutrient absorption, irritated colonic mucosa, impaired regeneration of the intestinal flora or anxiety or stress. They may include irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, constipation, skin rash, eczema, hives, mental irritation, common, hay or allergic rhinitis, shortness of breath, asthma, sneezing, burning of the eyes or nasal congestion.
Together with our professional Ayurvedic team in Nepal, where our handmade production is located, we have developed the herbal mixture Karavi, which has a positive effect on the healthy digestion of people with food allergies. The mixture of herbs in Dalchini tea is then focused on the upper respiratory tract and soothes the irritation of the nasal cavities in allergic rhinitis. Together with the Ayurvedic herbal elixirs Purishaprash for cleansing the colon and restoring the immunity of the intestinal flora and Pranaprash for relaxing the airways, they create an effective natural way to get rid of allergies and enjoy the flowering nature again. For example, as in these two comments:
"I drink Dalchini tea. After a week of drinking 3 times a day, I was able to take the dog and run through a flowering meadow with him without realizing that I had any allergies at all. I therefore ended the allergy treatment as unnecessary. Thank you!" - Marta K.
"I have suffered from persistent allergies (dust, mites, pollens) for years, which worsen with each passing year. Every summer I have to endure constant sneezing, blowing nose, red eyes and itching in my nose and ears. After a few days of using Dalchini and Karavi teas "Only the absolute minimum of the usual symptoms remains. And all this without chemistry! I am very grateful for your teas and I will continue to use them." - Luke
Recommendations for using the cleansing treatment
- In case of irritation of the nasal mucosa, use a combination of Dalchini herbal tea and Pranaprash elixir for one month. For food intolerance, first apply a combination of Karavi tea and Purishaprash elixir for one month.
- The recommended dosage of tea is 2-3 cups a day, the elixir 1 teaspoon (ie 5g / teaspoon) also 2-3 times a day.
- Take in the morning on an empty stomach, during the day 1 hour before meals and in the evening before bedtime. In total, take for two months with a suitable diet.
Tea preparation: boil one teaspoon of the herbal mixture (approx. 2 g) for 3-5 minutes or pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it infuse for 10 minutes.
How to use the elixir: quite simply - eat one teaspoon of herbal jam separately and drink a cup of lukewarm water or Ayurvedic tea.
Practical tip: make Ayurvedic tea in larger quantity for the whole day in the morning and what you don't drink take with you in a thermos. The Ayurvedic elixir is suitable for traveling, you just need to have a spoon with you.